Nick Gerber #143A

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Nick Gerber #143A

Team Member

Long time friend of Kyle Martin, Nick has had the privilege of watching Time to Revive grow. During reviveTWINCITIES, he and Kyle discussed him being part of the team, but after praying, Nick felt it was not yet the right time to come on board. Then in 2016, during revivieFLORIDA, Kyle asked Nick to pray again about joining TTR, and this time the Lord confirmed the call. Nick’s favorite part of TTR is two-fold. He loves hearing the stories of broken, hurt and lost souls coming to find their Savior. In addition, Nick finds joy in seeing the Church wake up from her slumber, taking the mantle of Christ follower by tearing down denominational walls, doctrinal differences, theological banter and allowing Jesus Christ to be the head of His body. TTR has helped Nick see the worth he has within the body of Christ. Never doubting his salvation nor the power of the Cross, Nick has not always seen or used the gifts given to him by the Holy Spirit. TTR has helped Nick see that he can embrace his spiritual gifts and make a difference because God has called him.

Before joining the TTR team, Nick worked for an irrigation company that allowed him to travel throughout the United States and the Caribbean. A self-described “glorified ditch digger”, Nick has spent over 20 years in the industry and is quite the expert in turf related areas as well as operation of a variety of machinery. Nick’s passions lie in reading and writing. He loves old books on philosophy, theology and the study of the soul (Augustine, Kierkegaard, Chesterton, etc.). He writes daily, anything from poetry to prose, and currently has over 200 poems on his bookshelf. Don’t let his love of books and writing lead you to believe Nick’s too serious though. He can list rodeo clown on his resume…be sure to ask him about it if you meet him in a reviveCITY!