Get Involved As A Business
92% of Jesus’ public appearances in the New Testament occurred in the workplace. And more than 75% of people in the Bible did ministry as part of their daily work. It’s clear that the marketplace is central to the advancement of the Gospel. Jesus invested most of His time there, and the heart of reviveWISCONSIN is to follow His example. Maybe you’re a business owner or a manager in the workplace. Let’s partner together to see the power of the Gospel transform lives in the marketplace here through reviveWISCONSIN!
Invite Us
Invite us to come pray for your business and share the Gospel with your employees! Recognizing that every business is different, we work with you to make a plan that works best for your company and employees. We’ve prayed and shared the Gospel in staff meetings, over lunch hour and in break rooms, and even in company-wide meetings where business has been put on hold to ensure everyone’s opportunity to hear the Good News. We’d love to partner with you and your business!
Connect Us
Maybe you’re a businessman or woman who has many connections. Connect us with other businesses to see the Gospel advanced throughout the area! Our partnership with each business is tailored to the specific needs and setting of that particular business. This is how revival can spread throughout such a wide region - through the connections of each individual!
Click here to connect with us!
Many businesses support the advancement of the Gospel in their community through financial partnership. Sponsor a meal for a reviveWISCONSIN outreach. Provide Bibles and Gospel wristbands to be distributed in your area. Or maybe you have a unique product or service that can help advance the Gospel.