Kevin Tostenson #234A

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Kevin Tostenson #234A

Member in Progress

Kevin was first introduced to Time to Revive (TTR) through his home congregation, Plymouth Covenant, which encouraged everyone to get involved in reviveTWIN CITIES in 2014. Each time it was mentioned, he didn’t think it was something that he’d want to do. However, to support his daughter and her youth group, he helped set up for the outreach. The week of the outreach, Kevin found himself continuing to go back to help as needed. Afterward, Kevin stayed involved locally and regionally, serving through behind-the-scenes tasks. TTR made him more aware of people and how to share his faith. Over the years, his knowledge and faith also increased through participation in reviveSCHOOL.   

Kevin is married to Dawn, has 3 adult children, and resides in Plymouth, Minnesota. He graduated from the University of North Dakota with a degree in Information Management, which led to working as a Geospatial Specialist, querying large volumes of data for a Fortune 500 electric and gas utility company.

In his free time, he attends sprint car races. Kevin and his brother have attended every Knoxville Nationals (the biggest sprint car race of the year) since 1990. He also enjoys the ocean, golfs, and plays with his grandson Gideon.