Les and Barbara Stutzman #123A

bstutzman@timetorevive.comBarb on Facebook
Contact Information
(574) 536-5196
Les and Barbara Stutzman #123A
Team Members
Before Time to Revive came along and God rocked their world, Les and Barbara were living the good life. Barbara was a Registered Nurse at Goshen Hospital for more than 25 years, and after a brief career in retail, along with his self-appointed degree in common sense, Les became a homeschooling, stay-at-home dad with the adoption of their daughter, Hope, in 2004.
When the original prayer week of reviveINDIANA began in January 2015, it didn’t take very long for the Stutzmans to become passionate about the heart of TTR being fulfilled in their own community and beyond. They love the way that Time to Revive works toward re-establishing the big “C” Church to come together without denominational walls in order to equip the saints to go and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. As they have joined TTR and stepped forward in faith to do this, God keeps showing up in powerful ways providing confirmation that they are right where they need to be.
Barbara and Les love to be of service to others and working with TTR has allowed them to serve others while fighting on the front lines of a spiritual battle with eternal effect (Eph. 6:12). Barbara impresses many with her fluent speaking of Pennsylvania Dutch (spoken by the Amish), and Les’ claims to fame include his greatly appreciated humor, skydiving experience, and once having caught a football pass from Terry Bradshaw.