We invite YOU to join us for reviveGEORGIA! Come for a morning time of prayer or join us for a time of training and outreach. Enjoy a meal with other believers in your community or attend an evening service to hear how God is moving in lives across the area. There are many ways to get involved with reviveGEORGIA. Whatever your availability is, we encourage EVERY believer to participate at least ONCE. Visit the schedule page to see where and when you can join us!
Feeling a tug to help more? We need people like you to help keep things running. Following are more specific ways you can help:
reviveGEORGIA is a big undertaking, and it takes many hands to accomplish the work. We need volunteers to help in each region with various tasks. These may include helping provide or serve food, assisting with administrative tasks, working with children or greeting at the front doors. Please contact the Regional Leader in your region.
Click here to sign-up for volunteering!Provide Housing
Hundreds of volunteers are coming from all over the country for reviveGEORGIA. Do you have a bedroom or two to spare? Sign up to host a reviveGEORGIA volunteer for a few days, a week, or as long as needed! Volunteers only need a place to sleep and shower as they spend their days at the reviveGEORGIA outreach.
Be a Disciple-maker
Through the reviveGEORGIA daily outreach, many lives are touched by the Gospel, and we need believers who will commit to walk alongside these individuals in their newfound faith. As a Disciple-Maker, you will be trained and equipped to lead your new disciple in a growing relationship with Christ.
Learn more about discipleship!Become a Team Member
Has reviveGEORGIA struck a chord with you, and you’re ready to be all in? Time to Revive is looking for team members here to join the team and help sustain the momentum of what God is doing through reviveGEORGIA.
Learn more about discipleship!