
Get Involved As A Community

The Gospel is best communicated in relationship, and God has placed each of us in connected groups within our community. Jesus shared the Truth with the tax collectors around Matthew’s table and with the Samaritans through the testimony of the woman at the well. Where has God placed you to influence others with the Gospel message? We’ve shared the Gospel with sports teams, FCA groups, in courtrooms, after recovery groups, and inside correctional facilities. What connections has God given you, that you can use to further His Kingdom?


Invite us to share the Gospel with your school or school group! We’ve seen many students, coaches and faculty say “Yes!” to the Lord through sharing with school groups. Whether it’s before school at an FCA gathering, during an optional meeting over lunch period, at a college chapel service, or on the baseball field after practice, our desire is to bless your peers with the Good News of Jesus.

Click here to invite us!

Municipal Arena

In past cities, we’ve prayed with people in the judge’s chambers, at police and fire stations, in the county courthouse with those waiting to go before the judge, and with inmates in correctional facilities. If you hold a municipal position, pray about how we can partner together to see the Gospel transform lives in your sphere of influence!

Click here to invite us!


Partnership in the Gospel is the heart of Montana. Churches, ministries, businesses, and schools are linking arms to advance the Gospel in Indiana.

Invite the Montana outreach teams to come pray for your employees and/or clients! Or partner with us to advance the Gospel through financial sponsorship.

Click here to partner with us!